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Apps & Integrations

Automate daily processes,
Increase Efficiency and Productivity

Integrate your software for streamlined operations. Enhance collaboration, data management, and cost-efficiency
Integrate your software for streamlined operations. Enhance collaboration, data management, and cost-efficiency
Urbanise Logo

Urbanise Integration

Integrate with Urbanise for simplified Facilities Management,
Strata Management, and Community Management with i4T Maintenance.

Procore Integration

Synchronize work order management and deliver successful project outcomes, by leveraging Procore integration with i4T Maintenance.
PropertyMe Logo

PropertyMe Integration

Connect PropertyMe to
i4T Maintenance, to enable automatic sync of Properties and Contracts as you handle maintenance requests.
Console Logo

Console Cloud Integration

Streamline maintenance tasks with i4T Maintenance and Console integration.
Stripe Logo

Stripe Integration

Accept credit card payments seamlessly with Stripe and manage field service jobs efficiently with i4T Business.
Xero Logo

Xero Integration

Streamline your operations from invoices to payments with the Xero integration to
i4T Business.
quickbooks Logo

QuickBooks Integration

Integrating i4T Business and QuickBooks streamlines financial management and improves cash flow.
myob Logo

MYOB Integration

MYOB + i4T Business integration simplifies data transfer and payment matching allowing greater efficiency.
PropertyMe Logo

PropertyMe Integration

Connect PropertyMe to
i4T Maintenance, to enable automatic sync of Properties and Contracts as you handle maintenance requests.
Urbanise Logo

Urbanise Integration

Integrate with Urbanise for simplified Facilities Management,
Strata Management, and Community Management with i4T Maintenance.
Console Logo

Console Cloud Integration

Streamline maintenance tasks with i4T Maintenance and Console integration.
Xero Logo

Xero Integration

Streamline your operations from invoices to payments with the Xero integration to
i4T Business.
Message Media Logo

Message Media Integration

Outperform emails and connect with your customers via SMS with Message Media integration to i4T Business.

Google Cloud Integration

Integrating i4T Maintenance & i4T Business with Google Cloud streamlines real-time of property and infrastructure assets maintenance.


Everything you need to know about pairing i4T Maintenance and i4T Business
with your favorite software platform.
Everything you need to know about pairing i4T Maintenance and i4T Business with your favorite software platform.
Software integration connects two or more separate software systems or applications seamlessly.
The types of software integrations include data integration, application integration, enterprise integration, and cloud integration.
The benefits of software integrations include:
  • Improved productivity and efficiency.
  • Enhanced data management and accuracy.
  • Increased collaboration and communication.
  • Reduced costs.
  • Better decision-making.
Software integrations can be implemented using APIs or other integration tools, such as middleware and integration platforms.
Yes, software integrations can work with legacy systems. With the right integration tools and strategies, legacy systems can be integrated with modern software applications to improve functionality and efficiency.
Software integrations can be made secure using secure integration methods and following the best data protection and security practices. It’s essential to ensure that sensitive data is not exposed to unauthorized parties during integration.
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