Operational aspects of the business
Being in the digital transformation business, I’m extremely passionate about digitising workflows. So, naturally, I was keen to know how they managed their business, from handling quotes to completing the job and getting paid.
Here’s what I found out.
Besides the obvious challenges of the job at hand, be it electrical work, construction or plumbing, the bigger challenges were in the operational aspects of the business.
For me, as a customer, it seemed a simple process:
- Get a few quotes
- Mull over them for weeks
- Pick a trades services business
- Get the job done
- Pay them
For the trades service provider, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Digging deep I immediately noticed the potential they were missing out on. I realised I could help.
Besides the pleasure of immersing myself and my team into another amazing digital transformation project, I was motivated that we had an opportunity to truly make a difference. A difference in the lives of nearly 30% of Australia’s workforce – trades services professionals.
We dove right in.
We built and launched i4Tradies, an “all in one Tradies Software Platform” to help trades services businesses manage their business, from quote to getting paid.
As i4Tradies became a preferred choice for job management by many trades service businesses, its importance becomes extremely relevant today.
We’ve all been impacted at varying levels by the prevalent pandemic situation. Tradies have been some of the most affected!
Lost jobs. Uncertainty. Stress. The list goes on.
However, now is the time for us to accept things as they are, and go from recovery mode to growth. Sounds far fetched? It isn’t.
If you’re committed to fighting the good fight, I invite you to check out i4Tradies, regardless of the size of your business. We’ve built the platform in such a way that, everyone, from tradies operating on their own to fully-fledged trades services businesses with hundreds of employees can benefit from it.
The best part about i4Tradies
The best part about i4Tradies is that it doesn’t just look at one aspect of your complex workflow. Here’s how it helps streamline your entire workflow:
- Lead generation – easily connect with potential customers
- Receive and respond to job requests with ease
- Visibility across all jobs for employees
- On demand job allocation based on employee location tracking
- Job scheduling and job management
- Real-time on-site visual job recording
- Secure invoicing and payment
- Access to business insights anytime, anywhere
- Flexible and scalable on-the-road workforce-based workload
- Get reviews from customers, to better position you for upcoming jobs
Now, imagine ALL of this at your fingertips on your phone!
Here’s a summary of what i4Tradies is all about, as summed up in a feature of “We Deliver” in Wayne’s World on SEN 1116
Real Experiences
Ready to take your business to the next level?
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With our cutting-edge technology and in-depth knowledge of how the Field Service Management sector operates, the i4TGlobal Team loves to share industry insights to help streamline your business processes and generate new leads. We are driven by innovation and are passionate about delivering solutions that are transparent, compliant, efficient and safe for all stakeholders and across all touch points.