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Service Request App!

Service Request App!

Place your next service request with confidence!

A safe and fun way for Asset Owners & Occupants to find local and certified Installation, Repairs & Maintenance Field Service Suppliers.

Connect with local Field Service Providers in the most convenient way

Connect with local
Field Service Providers in the most convenient way

i4Tradies Web

Join thousands of Asset Owners & Occupants who turn to i4Tradies to tick a task off their to-do lists.

i4Tradies Apps

Take control of your service requests on the go, with i4Tradies App available on iPhone and Android.

i4Tradies SMS

Got an urgent installation,
repairs, or maintenance request?
SMS 0 448 422 422(AU) and instantly find a service supplier. (This feature is currently available on Australia Region)

i4tradies mobile and app dashboard

Request Multiple Quotes

Enter your location and service category, tell us about your requirement, and select from a list of installation, repairs, and maintenance Field Service Suppliers that you want a quote from!

Enter your location and service category, tell us about your requirement, and select from a list of installation, repairs, and maintenance Field Service Suppliers that you want a quote from!

Check Supplier Credentials

Do your homework before you place a service request. Check your Field Service Supplier’s insurance, licenses, and certificates to make an informed decision.

Don’t Skip Customer Ratings!

Don’t Skip Customer Ratings!

Go through the completed jobs of your selected Field Service Suppliers. See if their experience matches your project and how their past clients have rated them!

Place your Service Request!

The more details you share about your project the more precise quote you’ll get. From selecting a service category to project urgency, job description, and photos, don’t leave anything to chance!

The more details you share about your project the more precise quote you’ll get. From selecting a service category to project urgency, job description, and photos, don’t leave anything to chance!

i4tradies web job details - i4T Global

Keep Updated!

Be in control of your service requests from start to finish. From tracking progress to receiving invoices and making payments, experience an all-new way to manage your maintenance service request.

Manage your service request from anywhere!

Manage your service request from anywhere!

Take charge of your service request from getting a quote to tracking progress, making payments, and rating your Field Service Supplier from your mobile device, with i4Tradies App.

Take charge of your service request from getting a quote to tracking progress, making payments, and rating your Field Service Supplier from your mobile device, with i4Tradies App.


Choose the best way for you


Join over thousands of
Property Occupants who turn to i4Tradies every time they need to get a Work Order done!



Got a home repair or maintenance emergency? SMS and find the best Local Field Service Supplier
(This feature is currently available on Australia Region)
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