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How to Choose the Best Field Service Metrics

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Field Service Metrics and Field Service Key performance indicators help Field Service Suppliers keep track of daily workflows and measure the company’s success in terms of how well it has achieved its set goals.

In this article, we will outline some of the most important Field Service KPIs, and share some good Field Service KPI examples. Most importantly we want to turn your attention to why you should be focusing on matching your business KPIs to customer KPIs.

Some Field Service KPIs can be mission critical while others are there to ensure best practices are met and the business is well on track towards growth.

What are Field Service Key Performance Indicators that Matter the Most!

With so many KPIs to track, it can sometimes become overwhelming for managers. The key is to identify the ones that matter the most to your business.

Oftentimes you find asking yourself “what are field service metrics that you need to track? So we have made a list of the most important Field Service key performance indicators categories and divided metrics based on that.

Field Service Business Owner KPIs

Customer Satisfaction

This is a leading Field Service Metric that determines customer loyalty, creates repeat customers, and generates word of mouth referrals for business growth.

SLA Compliance

A Service Level Agreement document outlines the deliverables and level of service that one party expects from the other. Ideally, the more you hit the laid-out performance benchmark for your business, the better.

Business Profitability

What is your total revenue less total expenses for a quarter, or year. Was your business a net winner or a new loser? Your business profitability is determined by your business’s net income.

Employee and Customer Retention

Finding potential good customers can cost businesses more than keeping them. Same is the case with employees. Rather than replacing them, you can focus on retaining employees. Putting strategies in place to retain loyal customers and good talent with the organisation can be one of the key field service metrics for your business.

Field Service Manager related KPIs

Technician Utilisation

This is a measure of how much time your workers spend on the actual service delivery v/s the time spent on non-value-adding tasks such as travelling to and from the job etc.

Rework Percentage

One of the key Field Service Metrics is the rework percentage that determines how many times a certain job was required to be reworked. If it’s high, then it means that either the customer changed the work requirements or the technician was not competent enough to perform it right the first time. Hence, this metric is also directly related to the first time fix rate.

Meantime to Complete Work Order

This Field Service Metric determines the efficiency of your processes as well as that of your teams. The quicker a work order is completed, the more time your technicians have to begin work on the next one.

Response Time

This metric measures how much time it took for your technician to visit the customer after receiving the service call for the first time.

Average Work Orders Closed in a Day

In order to understand technician productivity and work order schedule optimisation, this is a vital KPI to streamline workflows, improve response times and enhance technicians utilisation.

Technician Related Field Service Metrics

Field Visits Per Technician Per Day

A yet another important KPI is the metric that measures how many field visits a technician makes in a day. This helps you provide valuable insights about your technician’s performance to design bonus and promotion plans to reward outperformers and others motivated to do the same.

Worker Idle Time

Worker’s idle time is the time that you cannot charge the customer for. This could be due to internal reasons such as a delay in the delivery of a spare part that is holding the technician up. Another example is the time a technician spent in search of customer’s property.

Field Service Metric for Completed vs Invoiced Jobs

1:1 ratios for completed vs invoiced jobs means that all completed jobs are invoiced at a given point in time. While this was previously not possible, field service management softwares today, like i4T Business, allows technicians to present invoice to customers while on job sites and get paid instantly.

Average Distance Travelled Per Day, Per Technician, Per Work Order

For field technicians the time spent to and from jobs adds up to a good amount of work hours. Scheduling jobs well in advance and providing the least busy routes from point A to B can lead to significant fuel savings and reduce time spent on the road.

Administrator related Field Service Metrics

Time to First Contact

Getting back to a customer as soon as they show interest in your service, ensures that a service query turns into an actual job. The lower the time to first contact the better it is.

Time to Schedule

Job scheduling is an important part of the workflow for a Field Service Supplier. Delayed scheduling can directly impact other Field Service KPIs such as technician utilisation, technician idle time, and time taken to travel.

Rescheduling Ratio

You get this ratio by dividing the number of site visits that need to be rescheduled by the total number of scheduled site visits in a given period of time. If higher ratio indicates areas for improvement in terms of your job scheduling software, scheduling staff’s performance and customer satisfaction.

Time Taken to Travel

How much time do your technicians take on average to reach a job site? If it is taking them too long there could be a number of reasons. These include too few technicians or jobs located too far from the office. This could also mean that the technicians might be following very busy routes to reach from point A to point B.

How to Choose the Best KPIs for your Business

Different Field Service Businesses track different KPIs based on what matters the most to them. There is no ideal number of Field Service Metrics that you should focus on. However, some metrics stand above the rest:

Remember your chosen KPIs should be able to help you to:

Above are some of the Field Service KPI examples that you shouldn’t ignore.

When deciding which KPIs to choose for your Field Service Business, consider your overarching business strategy and your short and long term goals.

How Technology can Make Tracking Field Service KPIs Simpler

Having the right technology at your disposal, Field Service Business Owners are able to better track their KPIs for better customer service, higher technician productivity and business profitability.

Following are some of the benefits of using i4T Business Field Service Management software to track your business KPIs:

  • Understand relationship between various metrics: Using a FSM software, you can easily identify the relationship between technician idle time, technician utilisation and time taken to travel using GPS vehicle tracking.

  • Analyse, monitor and understand data: Measuring your field service metrics becomes a lot simpler when your FSM software also provides data analysis capabilities such as business profitability through cash flow management.

  • Generating actionable reports: In order to better understand the information, reports are a great way to study trends, identify problem areas and improve service delivery.

  • Provide insights for better decision making: The insights driven out of the reports eventually help in better decision making for your employees and your customers.

Parting Thoughts

Running a field service management business, setting up the right KPIs and being able to track them correctly is crucial to stay on top of your game.

Manual systems and outdated technology only makes bottlenecks for technicians in the field and admins in the office.

i4T Business gives Field Service Business Owners complete efficiency, transparency, compliance and security to manage and track their Field Service Metrics for operational or tactical purposes and Field Service KPIs for strategic decision making to deliver ultimate customer satisfaction and achieve business growth. Register today for i4T Business Field Service Management Software and start tracking your KPIs the simple and efficient way.

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